A Clinical Psychologist and a Psychotherapist by profession, Virginie has extensive experience working with International/Local NGOs and the I.C.R.C in Emergency and Conflict Zones such as Ex-Yugoslavia, Northern and Southern Caucasus, Middle East, and East Africa. Specializing in MHPSS - Protection activities, Virginie joined exploratory missions, provided direct support to the population during emergencies, participated in national capacities building efforts of healthcare professionals along with long-term development projects, and coordinated teams of different sizes and nationalities while dealing with diverse sources of funding.
After a few years in the field, Virginie went back to University and completed an M.A. in Humanitarian International Law and its application to areas of Humanitarian Assistance.
Sensitized to the complexity of conflict zones, Virginie favors a multiaxial lecture of humanitarian and development actions, aiming at reducing as much as possible potential bias in project design and the delivery of services. She strongly believes in community ownership, people-driven solutions, and the financial independence of Aid & Development Actors.
In Glocal, as an Internship Adviser, Virginie introduces students to the diversity and professionalism of Actors of Development and Labor Market. She mentors and orients students before and during their internship period, accompanying them in identifying the best internship placement for their specific profile and career wishes. During the internship, she supports Students’ learning experience and the combination of theoretical studies with field experience.