
Proof of Degree

An undergraduate/Bachelor/first degree (B.A, B.Sc, B.Ed. LL.B, and similar) with an average of 80 or above, from a university recognized by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 

Fluency in English

English proficiency is measured by either the English language subsection of the Psychometric Test, the NITE Amir Test, or the Amiram Test (computerized Amir).

Applicants who have completed a degree at an institution where the language of instruction is English, or who completed a degree program in English Language and/or Literature may be exempt if the Hebrew University’s Overseas Admissions Office recognizes the program or university.

Experience and More

  • Experience in social activism or community work: Prior experience working or volunteering with a disadvantaged community is a definite advantage
  • Commitment to participate in an intensive program of study, including a 4-month internship
  • High motivation, strong social skills, and emotional stability