Maayan Frenkel is a graduate of Glocal's second cohort. Since her graduation, Maayan has gained broad experience working with marginalized communities, government bodies, INGOs, and civil society actors to promote social and educational community empowerment. In recent years she specialized in research aiming at promoting evidence-based policy in education mainly in East Africa. She designed and led advocacy strategies aiming at fostering skills-based education in Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda. Maayan holds a BA in Sociology and Anthropology, and Communication from Tel Aviv University.
In Glocal, as an Internship Adviser, Maayan introduces students to the diversity and professionalism of Actors of Development and Labor Market. She mentors and orients students before and during their internship period, accompanying them in identifying the best internship placement for their specific profile and career wishes. During the internship, she supports Students’ learning experience and the combination of theoretical studies with field experience.