Sarah Abu-Arafeh | Jerusalem
Glocal Internship: Care International
Location: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Theme: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Year: 2019
Glocal Internship: Care International
Location: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Theme: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Year: 2019
Glocal Internship: Y.A. Maof - Green Energy Solutions Worldwide
Location: Shoham, Israel
Theme: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Year: 2020
Glocal Internship: Peres Center for Peace and Innovation
Location: Rehovot, Israel
Theme: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Year: 2020
Glocal Internship: Tel Aviv Foundation
Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
Theme: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Year: 2019
Glocal Internship: Impact Hub Kigali
Location: Kigali, Rwanda
Theme: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Year: 2019