David Kim earned his Bachelor's degree (B.Eng) in Agricultural Engineering from Landmark University Nigeria. In his internship, David worked as the agricultural research intern for Empower Africa’s HQ in Israel. He conducted research on various value crops, participated in food security activities, and mapped the agricultural assets of communities in which the organization’s projects were being implemented. Empower Africa is engaged with communities and operates around driving investment, trade, and job creation. This results in agency being given to the members of such communities, at an individual level and as a collective. Such engagement has enabled communities to cope with various environmental and socio-economic challenges that they are faced with. Lessons learned from the Glocal program in the aspects of development can be summed up in a few keywords. These include: Participation, Resilience, Community engagement, Assets, Innovation, Agency, Functioning, and Capabilities. These keywords represent the various concepts, approaches, and theories that have revolutionized his understanding of what development entails.
This is a picture taken from Empower Africa’s trade mission to Sierra Leone, showing traders and fishermen in one of Freetown’s popular fish markets. This picture depicts the adaptiveness of the fishermen and traders, resilient despite the socio-economic situation of the country, environmental conditions, and the illegal fishing done by large trawler vessels.