Glocal Internship: Juha’s Guesthouse
Location: Jisr Az-Zarqa, Israel
Theme: Education and Youth Empowerment
Year: 2018
Born and raised in Israel, Yael has been working as a freelance producer specializing in international art projects within the socio-political sphere.
During her internship in Jisr Az-Zarqa, she accompanied the Juha’s Guesthouse team in the process of establishing an art gallery and social hub. This helped her to further explore the connection between art, community, and development.
Yael believes every person is born with a special gift to share with the world; hers was always artistic expression.
“When we drop fear, we can draw nearer to people, we can draw nearer to the earth, we can draw nearer to all the heavenly creatures that surround us.” - bell hooks
Each and every week in the women's Hebrew class in Jisr Az-Zarqa, individuals gather as a united group to share, listen, and break down language barriers.