Shadi Jaber | Jerusalem

Glocal Internship: Mossawa Center the Advocacy for Arab Citizens 
Location: Haifa, Israel
Theme: Agriculture 
Year: 2019



Shadi Jaber, a Palestinian from East Jerusalem, holds a BA in Social Work and an MA in Expressive Arts Therapy and Psychology. In addition, Shadi holds a number of professional diplomas, including Family Counseling, Special Needs Education, Supervision, and TOT in supervision in helping professions. Shadi did his internship with an organization called the Mosawa Center. This organization works to promote the rights of Palestinians in Israel. He worked on a project called Civil Society, directed at supporting and building the capacities of the Palestinian non-governmental organizations in Israel, and reinforcing the youth leadership movement. Shadi joined the project team and worked directly with youth leadership groups and civil society organizations of different communities targeted by Mosawa Center. He contributed to supporting them in capacity-building with the Palestinian youth movement beside his role in building the capacities that strengthen civil society organizations. 


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Al-Araqib | Shadi Jaber 

This picture was taken in October 2019, in a village called Al-Araqib in the Negev. This village has been demolished by the Israel police 172 times; each time, the Al- Araqib community rebuilt their village. Al-Araqib community rejects Israel’s discriminatory practices against them and works together to fight a policy that seeks to destroy their community as well as confiscate their land. In this picture, we can see Al-Araqib village. People from this village remain on their land without houses. Around them, we can see Palestinian youth from different areas who decided to take the responsibility and the initiative to support them. I do believe that this picture represents the deep meaning of empowerment and reflects the power of people to achieve their rights and to support each other.