Orly Heiblum Lulka | Mexico

Glocal Internship: Kuchinate

Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

Theme: Gender/Migration and Refugees
Year: 2019






Originally from Mexico City, Orly has a bachelor’s degree in hotel management. During her internship, Orly learned a lot about the African asylum-seeking community in Israel, and migration more generally, through different angles, allowing her to develop a broader understanding of this complex issue. One of the main lessons she takes from GLOCAL is that whatever cause or population we choose to work with, we need to educate ourselves in every aspect related to it. Even more important, we need to engage with the social problem as if it were our own; to try to pursue development through integral models, focusing on the individual as a whole being. 


New opportunities for amazing Tzegareda | Orly Heiblum Lulka 

Tzegareda, (standing in the middle), originally from Eritrea, joined Kuchinate in 2013. When she joined the organization, she was in a very vulnerable situation, facing the challenges of being an African asylum-seeker in Israel. But beyond this, she was ill with severe heart disease and had to undergo cardiac surgery. Over the years, with the help of psycho-social and art therapy, she improved greatly. Through hard work and creativity, she became Kuchinate’s quality control manager. During the time I got to spend with her, I noticed that she was always positive, warm, and patient. She is also a very dedicated, loving mother of two, making a huge effort every day to support her family. In December 2019, Tzegareda left for the United States with her husband and her children, through the resettlement program of the UNHCR. Tzegareda’s attitude towards life and her evolution over the last years is, for me, the definition of an empowered woman. In this photo, we see Tzegareda hugging and saying farewell to her colleagues and friends at Kuchinate.