Inbar Yaffe | Israel

Glocal Internship: WaterAid
Location: Rwanda
Theme: Energy and Environment
Year: 2020




Inbar grew up in Pardes Hanna and now lives in Tel Aviv. Inbar graduated from Tel Aviv University with a B.Sc in Biology. In the internship component of the Glocal program, Inbar interned with WaterAid in Rwanda. Here, she managed the development of a case study on Nyamagabe District, as part of a shared learning project. Inbar interviewed numerous members of Nyamagabe District’s local government and people from Nyamagabe's communities. She used the collected data to develop a case study on the district’s prioritization and success in the Sanitation & Hygiene field. This case study is currently being discussed in a forum consisting of development partners from several East African countries and members of the Sanitation Learning Hub, The Institute for Development Studies. The project’s objective is to learn from local government success stories, identify levers of change, and develop an action plan to fill gaps in knowledge and identify solutions moving forward in the Sanitation & Hygiene field. One of the main things Inbar learned from Glocal and her experience in WaterAid Rwanda is the power of knowledge-sharing and partnerships. 

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This image was taken in a community outreach event for behavioral change and capacity building, part of a COVID-19 response project that took place in Kaduha, Nyamagabe District, Southern Province, Rwanda. WaterAid is part of the national effort to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of a community-based approach, WaterAid, in cooperation with the local authorities and the popular Ishingiro radio station, has accessed multiple locations across markets in remote parts of Nyamagabe to distribute handwashing stations and hygiene products and to promote health measures messages.