Inbal Magen | Israel

Glocal Internship: Restless Development
Location: Israel
Theme: Education and Youth Empowerment
Year: 2018




Inbal was born and raised in Haifa, Israel, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature and International Relations from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 

Inbal conducted her internship with the INGO, Restless Development, which operates in ten developing countries around the world to promote the voice, needs, and opportunities of young people. As part of her internship, Inbal was located in the organization's head office in Freetown, working closely with local staff on projects supporting marginalized girls to complete their school education. During these four months in Sierra Leone, Inbal had the opportunity to develop several manuals regarding livelihood and life-skills training, worked closely with local staff on project managing and development, supported donor relations and partners cultivation, and experienced the implementation of participatory approaches through community engagement methods.

Half the world's population is under 30 years old. Nine out of ten young people live in developing countries. But they are still underrepresented in politics and leadership positions; they are viewed as a promising future, instead of a present power for change. Restless Development is an INGO working to unleash youth power and make sure youth will be involved in solving the world's greatest challenges – in Sierra Leone they are working with young people, for young people, starting from the field level all the way up to management positions. Young people must continue to be encouraged to lead the change they wish to see in their society.